python isdigit,python获取图片大小_如何在pygame(python)中获取图片大小

 2023-09-23 阅读 28 评论 0

摘要:If I'm using an image and I want to know the image's size in the file. There is a function to get the picture's height and width ? EDIT: Of course I loaded the image to the program with pygame.image.load(PATH). 解决方案 I believe you need to


If I'm using an image and I want to know the image's size in the file.

There is a function to get the picture's height and width ?

EDIT: Of course I loaded the image to the program with pygame.image.load(PATH).


I believe you need to load the image as a Surface before you can get its width and height. You do that with foo = pygame.image.load(PATHNAME).

python isdigit?Then you can get the width and height by creating a Rectangle with foo.get_rect() and asking the rectangle.





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